I’m of into uncharted territory at the weekend, braving the wilds of unknown bits of London to go to a blogging conference with hundreds of women I haven’t ever met 😯 I’m only going to know 4 people there, I think and right now that doesn’t feel an awful lot! I’m looking forward to it though; although I’m fairly unknown in the bloggy world and unlikely to ever be a highly regarded ‘mummy blogger’, I do quite enjoy the small forays into that world I’ve made and I’ve made several new friends because of it. So that’s all good and it is great to be making new friends.
I don’t write much about our businesses on here any more; PoP used to be as much about the Merrily shops as it did about the girls. I’ve taken more of a back seat in it since Max took over though and especially since died Freddie was born and died, so sometimes it feels a bit wrong to write about it. I’m still very passionate about the businesses I created though, I just don’t want people to feel bombarded with anything that feels too much like blatant begging for sales. One thing is for sure, in order to run a 21st century business, social media needs to be understood, so as much as making friends and doing things with PoP, I’m off to CyberMummy to pick up tips on how to be a better business owner. I’m guessing it will be a bit like the toy shows I’m used to, so hopefully I won’t be too overawed.
If you’re going too, I’m afraid I don’t look like a duck, nor do I trail around with ducklings in my wake. I do look a bit like this though and I always wear an acorn necklace so please come and say hello to me.
My name’s Merry, I won’t be looking glamorous and I may possibly run away after a while from babies in arms, but otherwise, I really am quite nice!
I’m staying both nights in the Travelodge and as I’m being sponsored by our very own toy company I strongly suggest that if you happen to be there on either evening, you come and ask if you can feel in my pockets 🙂 You never know what you might find. (It won’t be sticky!)
Have a great time!
See you there Merry! Look forward to meeting you x
Have fun Merry. x
Don’t forget the earplugs. I’ve heard your room mate snores something awful. Failing that, don’t forget the wine! 😉
Very glamorous photo.
Have fun.
I’ll be there and will be looking out for you in the crowds to say hello!
Sounds like you are being very brave. Have a wonderful time and I’m sure Max will feed the girls nothing but vegetables while you are gone, just like my husband would.