People ask me quite a lot why I didn’t stop after one or two children. The queries are endless; do I have a TV (yes, but seriously, there is never anything on…) or did I keep trying for a boy (no!) and of course, am I religious or a glutton for punishment and have I definitely stopped now? (YES!) From horror at the cost or invasion in my life to surprise and envy, I get them all.
To be honest though, there wasn’t much of a plan, other than to be like Joey Maynard of the Chalet School .By the time I thought about it, it was too late to alter the situation. 🙄 If I’d known, I might not have timed them so A Level, AS Levels and GCSEs will all happen at once in 2 years time, but it’s too late now.
I asked the troops and here are the reasons they thought it was okay for us to have 6 kids. (Max added the child benefit as a plus, but I’m not convinced that one adds up as a plus overall!)

Ten: It’s completely brilliant training for being a hostage negotiator as a career when they’re all grown up.
Nine: It takes a very few Christmases before your home is completely filled with every toy in every possible permutation.
Eight: You never (ever) need to worry about what to do with spare cash.
Seven: You can totally justify rebuilding your My Little Pony collection from eBay.
Six: There is absolutely no reason at all to miss a Peppa Pig episode. You WILL see them all.
Five: Your chances of getting a cup of tea brought to you in the morning greatly increase.
Four: At some point you will find yourself with footage to send in to You’ve Been Framed!
Three: The ‘Hunt the Remote Control’ fun never ends.
Two: There are always people to tidy up the mess they create. (I see a flaw in that though, tbh…)
One: (As contributed by Maddy)… more chances of getting a nice one!
And of course the bonus is that you’ll always have something to blog about. What’s your best reason for having kids?
I always say to people that I didn’t have 3 children in order to play myself, I had 3 so I didn’t have to be the one in goal or the one bowling or the piggy in the middle. Even better with more I imagine, go for 10 and you can even do 5 aside thereby alleviating the need to stand on cold sidelines every Sunday, you can watch from the kitchen window instead.
I should have included ‘you will never be lonely. Even if you beg.’
squishy newborn cuddles are near the top of mine, as well as pregnancy as I am one of the weird ones who loves it. My eldest is just turned 3, and baby three is on the way, I don’t think we will have loads, but I would love to. I want a house full of laughter and noise and mess and children
If it is mess and noise you are after, you’ll love having 3 😉
My best reason for having them? cos I wanted them, to shower them with love and lavish attention on them, to be the best mum I could be, and to be everything my mother never was.
I would have had more had lifes hassles not got in the way, but did child mind and creche work for years.
if you have them all fairly close together you never need to play board games as there are plenty of children to entertain each other, if you have more than 2 they can fight and argue with each other but still have some left they have not fell out with,
You can always get No1 to be sick monitor so you dont have to sit with a child that is spewing.
Nine is a good point, and if you put child No1’s toys in the loft as they out grow them, repeat with child 2, and then child 3, you have ready made free Christmas presents for child No4, 5,and 6 and they have been forgotten about by the older ones time they get recycled. This helps a little bit with No8.
As for point 5, you may get a cup of tea but no chance of getting peace to drink it.
Number one reason is of course my real reason 😉
I’ve only done the spewing thing once as both biggest and littlest had it (a summer group left biggest to deal with littlest till we arrived and it was a FAST spreader) but it did stop the rest of us getting it.
I’m not terribly good at board games because I’m not competitive, so they do play together, thankfully.
On the tea… yep *ironic laugh*